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Are you ready to change your world from the inside?
I offer guided sessions that will help you (re)connect to who you really are.
Filled with guidance, kindness, and a hint of...ordinary magic.
About me
Hi, this is me, Delphine
Creator & facilitator of harmony.
Always busy creating something when I was young, I spent my childhood between reading, writing, singing and construction of all kinds with the main tool of A4 paper and my imagination. Observant, discreet and ultra-sensitive, this exploration of creativity for me was parrallel to a develpment of my "subtle senses" as well as an infinity of existential questions: what happens after death?
Why do we suffer? Why are we afraid?
When considering my path, choosing the arts was not a question for me (except for which one) and I finally found Space Design as the most realistic of my attractions. So, naturally I began my life as an adult with a degree in that discipline.It was not it. Although spaces fascinate me, I did not find in my studies the place of the Human in all its splendor and its needs. So I redirected my focus towards what was most natural to me at the time, graphics and design, and I completed my resume with a diploma in Multimedia Project Manager.
These two trainings allowed me to refine my sens my sense of "beauty", detail, efficiency and "user" experience.After a few years spent in an agency and as a freelancer as a graphic designer, then a few more years in public service (in search of more service and contact with the normal), I felt ready to consider other paths. This time, resolutely human-oriented and without ever forgetting again, let's say it out loud : joy, lightness, harmony.Today, I accompany people who wish to feel better and creative in their lives thanks to the various tools and practices that I have studied (and continue to) and shared over the past 6 years:
FENG SHUI Practitioner - Eric Kotsiras - 2017
NIA White belt - Ann Christiansen - 2018
SURYASOUL© Soma Teacher - Philippe & Sabine - 2019
HYGIENE & HEALTH Advisor - Cécilia Carreau - 2020
TRANSPERSONAL HYPNOSIS® Practitioner- Séverine Barbier - 2021
THETAHEALING DNA1 Practitioner- Sibylle Natcheva - 2023
My workshop & office are nomadic at the moment. I live with an American partner and have the chance to travel a lot, which allows me to nourish my creativity, and infuse these energies into my sessions and creations.
I am also bilingual and offer sessions in French and English, which explains the English content you will find from time to time!
Online Session Room
or Arillas (April - Nov)
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